Sometimes you feel happiness but sometimes all you feel … SPAIN!!!įrom Spain to Hungary, we have compiled some of the wittiest, funniest beauty pageant memes that we’ve found. Everybody Knows Muricans Dont Speak English The Same Way Mexicans Dont Speak Spanish. The wittier the line and manner of delivery, the funnier it will be. The punchline comes when contestants state their country – usually preceded by a funny play on words.
In a fashion similar to Miss Universe and other international beauty pageants, the contestants announce their name. The gay contestants choose an alias – usually the name of a female celebrity or a famous person, as well as country to represent. During the introductory portion of the pageant, the contestants introduce themselves and the country they represent. Miss Gay, a beauty pageant for gay men or ladyboys, are famous for being a comedic event. Usually this is tied to fiestas – annual holiday festivals celebrated by a City or Barangay. Similar to pick-up lines, knock-knock jokes, and Erap jokes, they are a cultural staple to a beauty pageant-crazy country like the Philippines.īeauty pageants are a normal occurrence all over the country. Making fun of beauty pageant introductions are among the Filipino’s favorite jokes.